

El concreto es sin duda alguna uno de los materiales más atractivos a utilizar como parte de la creación de un lenguaje arquitectónico; por su maleabilidad y las posibilidades de encarnar formas y superficies que se denotan en la luz y la sombra. El concreto es la escultura en su expresión más grande. Cuando se diseña en concreto no solo se diseña la forma y la superficie final, se diseña su cimbra, su molde, y ese conlleva en su concepto y ejecución un grado artesanal de mucho rigor.

En las fotos de avance que hoy compartimos de nuestro proyecto Casa Bosque, podemos notar el sensual proceso de la creación de la cimbra. Aquella piel de madera que es apuntalada, colocada, resanada y perfilada para recibir el concreto. Estos momentos develan el estado “negativo” de los sólidos que están por venir; un preludio de la forma. La combinación de elementos ya colados contra los elementos de cimbra pone en evidencia el proceso y sus resultados. La cimbra se convierte en su propia expresión estética, razón por la cual sería deseable que así permaneciera pero tenemos que conformarnos con disfrutar y documentar su breve existencia.


Poured-in-place concrete is no doubt one of the most appealing materials to use when it comes to creating an architecture language because of its malleability and the enormous possibilities to incarnate shapes and surfaces that come to exist with light and shadow. Concrete its sculpture in its maximum expression. When designing concrete, you are also designing its formwork and mold and that entitles a high degree of craft.

In the pictures of our Casa Bosque project in Mexico City, we can feel the sensual process it is to fabricate and put together the formwork. A “wood skin” is structured, laid and detailed in order to receive the poured concrete mix. These moments of the construction process unveil the “negative” state of the solids to come as a prelude to form. To see the form work against some concrete elements already poured lets us understand the process and its results. The form work gains its own aesthetic, one that is desirable to keep, but in its nature of a temporary element, we can only be happy with enjoying the moment and documenting it thoroughly.




Cañamiel-Mexico City progress shots

Our design for the first Cañamiel Store in Mexico City keeps progressing as some of the fixtures are closing on completion and several works are beginning fine detail stage at the site. The cardboard tube ceiling will be installed next week but first we did a quick mock-up to coordinate air conditioning and lighting installation strategy in order to avoid problems when the final panels arrive next week. Her

e are some shots of some of the fixtures and furnishings into production.

Details begin to show up in Casa Sampaio

The construction process for Casa Sampaio has been a slow and long one. However, as the conclusion draws nearer, some details begin to arise and give hints of what will be the final character of the project. In the last weeks, carpentry work has begun to be installed. The contrast that the wood makes against the granite walls is evident. The curving wall for the gym space is up as well! Here are some pictures taken at site last week.

Welcome to Materia’s new BLOG space.

Welcome to Materia‘s new BLOG space. This will be a great forum to share and communicate information of our projects and to further expand our conversations on architecture and all of what surrounds it. Stay tunned!